Sunday, 14 May 2017

The Big Bus Tour and the Police

Old police cars
What a difference 12hours and a good night’s sleep makes! Not only are we fully refreshed and ready to go but it is sunny and warm outside. As we leave the hotel we pass through about 20 police officers, has there been an incident? No they’re all showing off their immaculate old police cars, it must be some sort of convention.

We’ve decided that for the next couple of days our mode of transport should be the Big Bus Hop On Hop Off tour. It has 3 routes here in Washington, so tickets are purchased on line and the email with bar code saved to my phone. Now, I’m a bit of a dinosaur with this technology so I’m not convinced I’ve managed to do the whole process correctly so I worry as we walk through Arlington, across Key Bridge and into George Town. The bus arrives and smiling George looks at my phone and prints off 2 tickets, the wonders of the internet and smart phones will never cease to amaze me!

The Lincoln Memorial
View from Lincoln Memorial to Washington Memorial
The tour takes us first to the Lincoln Memorial where we join the mothers’ day crowds to take pictures of Lincoln, the memorial, the reflecting pool, the WW II memorial, and the George Washington Memorial. At the bottom of the steps there’s a youth orchestra playing the 1812 Overture, it’s all very inspirational but as Dave wants to ask them to play Land of Hope and Glory next I move us swiftly on. The walk takes us to the south side of The White House and I am so relieved we’ve finally seen it as Dave has asked me every second question where the White House is! Back to the bus tour which winds its way past the Treasury, DuPont Circle, the area of AdamsMorgan, the national zoo (which is free to enter) and finally Woodley Park where we stop to get some refreshments at The Open City. There are a lot of family groups in the restaurant, I guess a lot of mothers are being treated to lunch today for Mothers’ Day.

We complete our tour with stops at the West wing of The White House, the world bank and Constitution Avenue. We pass a Secret Service man being taken for a walk by his alsatian, not so secret as it’s written on his jacket! We smile and comment to him that the dog is in charge of the walk, no reply, no flicker of acknowledgement, may be only the dog can hear anything! As we wait for the bus for the final section of our tour we hear the blare of police sirens coming closer, oh no, have the secret service ordered our arrest? No fortunately, it’s the old police cars doing a tour of the capital and announcing their presence. Our bus arrives and takes us past the Pentagon and Arlington Cemetery. The guide is very concerned that we get off here as there is only 1 more bus tonight, don’t worry we say we’ll walk from here, he looked shocked.

The White House

Washington Memorial

Big Bus Tours

Iwo Jima Memorial

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