Sunday, 25 January 2015

Less than 2 weeks to go!!!

Well, with just under 2 weeks to go before our travels commence we thought we would post one last update. Mainly to make sure that our new camera worked on the tablet and more importantly we know how to use both items together. As we now have a picture from our new camera downloaded to the blog we can consider that successful.

This week is my final week of temporary work and then it's visiting both mums to check they're ok and giving final requests to the boys. After that there's only bag packing to be done. Heathrow here we come..... lets hope all the flights are on time.....

Christmas 2014

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

One month to go

Tiggi claiming her Xmas present
After a great Christmas and the celebration of another birthday for me, here we are with one month to go before our travels to the other side of the world. The flights and hotels for stop overs are booked and paid for, the campervan organised and paid for, friends and family warned of our imminent arrival and visa obtained. We're now deep into list over load with me creating the lists and Dave trying to complete and cross off the tasks as quickly as possible! As I'm currently working this is a great division of labour for me though I'm not so sure Dave agrees....

Tom & Rob at my birthday meal
This week so far he's organised our travel insurance, enrolled us into the "Big4 Club" (for motor home sites), checked out several sites for our initial few nights in Australia and researched live music venues on our route. Not bad as it is only Tuesday. The final few things for this week include catching up with family and friends before we leave and of course sorting out Tiggi our cat.

Us in a month's time?